Season Tribe Migration

The Season Tribe is a relatively new and exciting tribe that has been growing in popularity recently. One of the things that makes them different from other groups is the fact that they only migrate in certain seasons, namely the Summer, Winter, and Fall. This way, they are able to enjoy the natural beauty of their environment during each season, as well as the diverse plants and animals that inhabit these areas. The winter season tribe is only one of two major tribes that make their home in the desert. The other is the Sandhi-Tribes which also has a reservation near Ooty, India.

Just like other seasonal inhabitants, Season Tribe residents have to deal with a number of problems and challenges that they face every year. These challenges tend to be unique among people and vary by location. The following is a brief summary of some of these issues.

The most common problem encountered by the community at large is the influx of new people who are neither local nor resident. These people tend to settle at a place far away from their own community. When this happens, there is an increase in crime rates and conflicts over resources. As a result, there are conflicts between the newcomers and the locals. When the newcomers move to close to the communities, they change the local economy, goods, services, and customs. This causes the local businesses to either fail completely or to suffer badly.

Another challenge faced by the migrants is the lack of available land for their daily activities. When they migrate to South India and Kerala, they face the inability to access their own tribal settlements. This is because most of the tribals have been displaced from their original locations due to the changing political and social conditions in their home areas. Therefore, when they migrate to other places such as Assam, they find themselves in places where there is no agriculture, no forests, and no fishing.

There is also a lack of educational institutions in many of the remote regions. Many children who are left behind by the season tribe will end up at a boarding school. They are usually sent by the elders who are unable to attend school themselves. Once these kids complete their primary education, they do not return to their community to be taught by their parents. Instead they are taken away by foster families, which provide them with basic education. Those who do return are not usually able to continue with formal education, since many of them have poor aptitude for learning.

The elders of these tribes can not afford to send their youngsters to high schools. They have to choose either to migrate into the cities or to remain at the settlements where they live. Some of them are even unable to continue with the education given by the government schools.

The main problem faced by the communities of these migratory tribes is the lack of jobs. They depend on the seasonal crops provided by their harvest homes. If the crop is not enough or if the harvest has come in, the community cannot support them and their children will have to migrate either to a town where they get to work or to the next tribe whose community is able to support them. This has forced some of them to take refuge in the United States.

There are organizations working to help them get back to their tribal communities. One of them is SOS-North Carolina, an organization working for North Carolina tribes. The tribe leaders have to pay a visit to the schools where the children are staying to see if the children have completed school or not. Those who have finished high school are encouraged to return to school so that they may get better jobs in the towns where they live. Those who have not even finished high school are helped by tribal consultants to help them complete their secondary education.